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Opening the channel for aspiring radio personalities, show hosts, behind-the-scenes technicians, joke collectors, fan interviewers, and more – the EF Radio On Air ExtraordinAIRE Program offers the opportunity for Forest Family to Plug In and collaborate with the EF Radio team, creating content to be featured EF Radio both during the event and year-round!

EF Radio Host

Potential applicants could be:

  • On-air radio personalities
  • Hosts or producers with interesting radio show concepts (either pre-recorded or done on-site)
  • Behind-the-scenes technicians and audio engineers
  • Outgoing interviewers of the Forest Family
  • Musical collagists/artists who can create collections of anecdotes or stories from Forest Family
  • Forest Family interested in diving into the world of radio (no previous radio experience required)

The weirder the better! HQ loves to see ideas from people who are thinking “outside the box!” A background in radio, hosting, or streaming is not required, but some experience in college/community/commercial radio can be especially helpful.


Submissions will be accepted for review starting Friday, February 7, 2025, through Sunday, March 30, 2025, at 11:59 PM Eastern.


Judged by: The Plug In & EF Radio Teams
Judgment method: Submission review and ranking

  • 30% Creativity / Uniqueness
  • 30% Content of the Contest Submission
  • 20% Appropriateness
  • 20% Professionalism
  • Winners will receive the opportunity to collaborate with EF Radio
  • EF Radio On Air Extraordinaire will be awarded one (1) GA Camping Wristband for themselves, one (1) 4-Day GA Vehicle Pass and one (1) Early Arrival Pass (if needed).